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Refund FAQs

Our refund policy can vary depending on your country of residence. To get the specific details for your region, refer to the TIDAL Refund Policy.

My subscription is through another platform like Apple or Google Play. Can TIDAL refund me?

If your purchase was made through a partner platform, such as Apple or Google Play, we are unable to process refunds. For these transactions, please reach out to the respective partner directly.

How can I check if my TIDAL subscription is managed through Apple or Google?

To check if your TIDAL subscription is registered through Apple or Google, log in to In the Payments tab, you'll see a message indicating if your payment is managed by Apple or Google. For example, if your subscription is through Apple, you’ll see the message:
"Your payment is managed by Apple. Please visit the Apple App Store to administer your payment."

You can also review your active subscriptions directly through your mobile devices:

  • For Apple: Open the Settings app, tap your name at the top, then select Subscriptions to view and manage your active subscriptions, including TIDAL.
  • For Google: Open the Google Play Store, tap the profile icon in the top right corner, select Payments & subscriptions, and then tap Subscriptions to see your active subscriptions, including TIDAL.

I’ve noticed some charges I didn’t authorize. Can I get those refunded?

In the event you discover unauthorized use of your credit card for a TIDAL subscription, or if TIDAL charges appear unfamiliar to you, we advise immediately informing your bank of the potential compromise of your credit/debit card. After you notify your bank, please reach out to TIDAL Support to review your case and proceed with stopping your account and removing the payment method.

I totally forgot to cancel my subscription and got billed. Can I get a refund?

We understand life gets busy and you might forget to cancel your subscription prior to your next bill date. Sadly, we can’t give refunds if you forgot to cancel and the subscription renewed if you reside in the US. If you live outside of the US, refer to the TIDAL Refund Policy to see if you may be eligible for a refund. Once you cancel your subscription, you’ll continue to have access to TIDAL until the end of your billing cycle.