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Works Management

Within the Works tab, you can add publishing and songwriter information, view your collections of works, check for missing metadata, and manage details such as ISWC, ISRCs, and split sheets for each work.

Which works and recordings are listed and why?

We're able to associate a list of works and recordings to your songwriter profile with our own matching models that take into account a few different data sources. If you have additional questions or see any issues with your list, please reach out to TIDAL Support.

What are completed works?

These are compositions that have been fully registered with an ISWC that is linked to your songwriter IPI and has at least one associated recording (ISRC).

What are works without recordings?

These works with ISWCs are associated with your songwriter IPI. However, they are not matched to any recordings on TIDAL. To manually add missing recordings on TIDAL, click the work to add missing tracks under ‘Matched recordings on TIDAL’.

What are unmatched recordings?

We believe these TIDAL recordings are associated with works that belong to you. If the associated work is already registered, you can match this recording to the correct work in the list provided. If you have not yet registered your work or it is not available in the works list provided, register your work with your PRO and add the ISWC associated with these recordings when available.

Register your work with your PRO and add the ISWC associated with these recordings when available to ensure you are collecting your composition royalties.

How can I report incorrect information?

Please use the Report function in TIDAL Artist Home to ensure your request is quickly addressed. Navigate to the Works tab, click ‘Report issue’ under Your Works, and fill out the required fields and click ‘Report issue’. Please note this process may take several weeks to complete.

What is a split sheet?

A split sheet is a written description of each contributor to a song and establishes ownership percentages amongst them. The agreed percentages determine how much each contributor will receive from the royalties generated by their music.

Are TIDAL’s split sheets binding contracts?

No. Split sheets aren't legally binding contracts. These documents can be useful for clarifying contributions and preventing disputes over credits and royalties. By creating a split sheet, you represent and warrant that all information you enter into the split sheet is correct, and you understand and agree that TIDAL will not be responsible for the accuracy of or any disputes arising from the information you provide.

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